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sanctify 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sanctified, past tense; sanctified, past participle; sanctifies, 3rd person singular present; sanctifying, present participle;
  1. Set apart as or declare holy; consecrate
    • - a small shrine was built to sanctify the site
  2. Make legitimate or binding by religious sanction
    • - they see their love sanctified by the sacrament of marriage
    • - ancient customs that are sanctified by tradition
  3. Free from sin; purify

  4. Give the appearance of being right or good; legitimize
    • - they looked to royalty to sanctify their cause

  1. consecrate: render holy by means of religious rites
  2. purify: make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"
  3. (sanctification) a religious ceremony in which something is made holy
  4. (sanctified) consecrated: made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use; "a consecrated church"; "the sacred mosque"; "sacred elephants"; "sacred bread and wine"; "sanctified wine"
  5. Sanctification is an ancient concept widespread among religions that refers to anything blessed or set apart for special purposes, from totem poles to temple vessels, to the change brought about in a human believer. ...
  6. (Sanctified (album)) #Out In The Silence #Time Is God #To Isengard #Why? #Mad Messiah #Another Dawn #In The Court Of The Crimson King #Sorrow Calls #Where Insanity Rules #Shadows Of God #Gil-Galad (The Sanctified)
  7. To make holy; to consecrate. Set aside for sacred or ceremonial use; To free from sin; to purify; To make acceptable or useful under religious law or practice; To endorse with religious sanction
  8. Sanctification is the work of God's free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of Christ, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness."
  9. (Sanctification) Mormon: A term not commonly used in Mormonism.  They use it to refer to a state of saintliness which is obtained as people purify themselves by overcoming sin.  Christian: (1)  Believers in Jesus' saving work are considered saints by God (sanctified). ...
  10. (sanctification) Purification or the making holy by adherence to God's teaching of forgiveness of sin through His Son Jesus
  11. (Sanctification) the process of GOD's grace by which the believer is separated from sin and becomes dedicated to GOD's righteousness. Accomplished by the Word of GOD (John 17:7) and the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:3-4), sanctification results in holiness, or purification from the guilt and power of sin.
  12. (Sanctification) the process through which a person is incorporated ever more fully into the spiritual reality of Christ, or being made more like Christ.
  13. (4. Sanctification) To sanctify is , To cleanse from corruption; to purify from sin; to make holy be detaching the affections from the world and its defilements, and exalting them to a supreme love to God (Webster) Also, Sanctifying is Making holy; purifying from the defilements of sin; ...
  14. (Sanctification) (literal: "to be set apart or separated")
  15. (Sanctification) According to Wesleyan doctrine, a second (after being born again), definite, instantaneous work of grace which removes the inbred carnal nature through an act of the Holy Spirit, thereby making it less likely for the believer to sin again.
  16. (Sanctification) Being made one with Jesus so that the nature that controlled Him will control us. (O. Chambers)
  17. (Sanctification) Even after we’re made good guys, we still do bad things. But, the longer we walk with the ultimate Good Guy Jesus, the more we become like him.
  18. (Sanctification) God setting the believer apart for a life of holiness
  19. (Sanctification) Ongoing growth in holiness to be increasingly like Jesus. (John 17:17-19, Acts 20:32, Romans 6:19, 6:22, 1 Corinthians 1:30, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, 5:23, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Timothy 2:21, Hebrews 2:11, 10:10, 10:14, 12:14, 13:12, 1 Peter 1:2, 3:15)
  20. (Sanctification) Saints are declared holy when they are justified.  The life-long process of sanctification follows during which we grow in actual holiness.  This process is completed when we are glorified at death and freed from all sin into the presence of God. ...
  21. (Sanctification) The process of being purified, cleaned up, and set apart. A work of the Holy Spirit in us through trials, ongoing self-denial, and the gifts and fruit of the Spirit. [Jn 17:17-19, Ac 26:18, 1Th 4:3,5:23-24]
  22. (Sanctification) This word, hagiasmos, is sometimes translated "holiness." It signifies separation unto God (not self-righteous separation from people) and separation from evil things and ways. ...
  23. (Sanctification) is a symbol taken from the 'temple', showing the need for cleansing from pollution. it includes a renewal by the power of Holy Spirit, which allows acceptable living before God and points to our ultimate perfection in His presence.
  24. (Sanctification) is to be made holy, which means to be set apart for a special purpose or task. Christians, including me, use the word to identify the temporal process by which a person is eventually cleansed from all sin and corruption of the mind and body.
  25. (sanctification) I like this definition from Thomas Watson's Sanctification. "It is a principle of grace savingly wrought, whereby the heart becomes holy, and is made after God's own heart. A sanctified person bears not only God's name, but his image." Also see Concise Theology chapter.