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sallow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sallower, comparative; sallowest, superlative;
  1. (of a person's face or complexion) Of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color

  1. Make sallow

  1. A willow tree, esp. one of a low-growing or shrubby kind

  2. A moth with dull yellow, orange, and brown patterned wings. The larvae of some species feed on sallow catkins

  1. any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important sources for tanbark and charcoal
  2. cause to become sallow; "The illness has sallowed her face"
  3. unhealthy looking
  4. (sallowness) a sickly yellowish skin color
  5. Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix, around 400 speciesMabberley, D.J. 1997. The Plant Book. Cambridge University Press #2: Cambridge. of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. ...
  6. Sallows is a fell in the English Lake District, rising between the valleys of Kentmere and Troutbeck. It is the highest point in the upland area to the south of Garburn Pass, variously termed Kentmere Park and Applethwaite Common on Ordnance Survey maps.
  7. A European willow, Salix caprea, that has broad leaves, large catkins and tough wood; Having a grayish, yellow-green hue; dirty, murky
  8. (sallowness) The property of being sallow, yellowishness
  9. a young female skold, encountered at the wayhouse of Harefoot Dig. She speaks with a stutter and is rather shy.
  10. Having a grayish, yellow-green hue; unhealthy looking. "I pulled the blanket back up to his chest where ribs stretched his thin, sallow skin" (Hosseini 161).
  11. A tree or shrub of the willow kind. Rods of this particular wood were much in use amongst the Scythians and the Alani for purposes of augurial divination. Fine straight wands were chosen, on which certain characters were written, and they were then thrown on a white cloth. ...
  12. a yellow or sickly color