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rupture 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ruptures, 3rd person singular present; ruptured, past tense; ruptured, past participle; rupturing, present participle;
  1. (esp. of a pipe, a vessel, or a bodily part such as an organ or membrane) Break or burst suddenly
    • - if the main artery ruptures he could die
  2. Cause to break or burst suddenly and completely
    • - the impact ruptured both fuel tanks
  3. Suffer such a bursting of (a bodily part)
    • - it was her first match since rupturing an Achilles tendon
  4. Suffer an abdominal hernia
    • - one of the boys was ruptured and needed to be fitted with a truss
  5. Breach or disturb (a harmonious feeling or situation)
    • - once trust has been ruptured it can be difficult to regain
  1. An instance of breaking or bursting suddenly and completely
    • - a small hairline crack could develop into a rupture
    • - the patient died after rupture of an aneurysm
  2. A breach of a harmonious relationship
    • - the rupture with his father would never be healed
  3. An abdominal hernia

  1. state of being torn or burst open
  2. tear: separate or cause to separate abruptly; "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper"
  3. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions); "they hoped to avoid a break in relations"
  4. the act of making a sudden noisy break
  5. Rupture was a hardcore punk band from Perth, Australia, that formed in the 1980's and were active until around 2003. ...
  6. A fracture is the (local) separation of an object or material into two, or more, pieces under the action of stress.
  7. Rupture is a social networking site for gamers. Users can create profiles and interact with one another with the standard array of social networking tools.
  8. A burst, split, or break; A social breach or break, between individuals or groups; A break or tear in soft tissue, such as a muscle; A failure mode in which a tough ductile material pulls apart rather than cracking; To burst, break through, or split, as under pressure
  9. break or tear in any organ or soft tissue.
  10. Forcible tearing or disruption of a tissue.
  11. A task to create a gap in enemy defensive positions quickly. (See also breach and reduce.)
  12. In the breaking strength or tensile strength tests the point at which a material physically comes apart as opposed to yield strength, elongation, etc.
  13. Perforation of the tube wall such that the primary-to-secondary leak rate exceeds the normal charging pump capacity of the primary coolant system.
  14. a tear in the blood vessel wall that causes serious internal bleeding
  15. (in  mediastinal emphysema (pathology))
  16. A break or tear in any organ (such as the spleen) or soft tissue (such as the achilles tendon). Rupture of the appendix is more likely among uninsured and minority children when they develop appendicitis.
  17. Also separation. In shooting, a failure or break in the wall of a cartridge case, usually allowing gas to escape.
  18. A Combateer skill to lay mines. See also Mine.
  19. The sudden and accidental tearing asunder, cracking, burning or bulging of a plumbing system.
  20. The ability of an adhesive or glue to bond two surfaces together. When tested by pulling apart, the performance of the adhesive should be such that the two materials rupture (delaminate) rather than separate intact.
  21. Premature rupture of membranes
  22. the Earth's crust breaks