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rummage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rummaging, present participle; rummaged, past tense; rummages, 3rd person singular present; rummaged, past participle;
  1. Search unsystematically and untidily through a mass or receptacle
    • - he rummaged in his pocket for a handkerchief
    • - he rummaged the drawer for his false teeth
  2. Find (something) by searching in this way
    • - Mick rummaged up his skateboard
  3. (of a customs officer) Make a thorough search of (a vessel)
    • - our brief was to rummage as many of the vessels as possible
  1. An unsystematic and untidy search through a mass or receptacle

  2. A thorough search of a vessel by a customs officer

  1. a jumble of things to be given away
  2. search haphazardly; "We rummaged through the drawers"
  3. ransacking: a thorough search for something (often causing disorder or confusion); "he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis"
  4. commotion; disturbance; a thorough search, usually resulting in a disorder; an unorganized collection of miscellaneous objects; a jumble; to arrange (cargo, goods, etc. ...
  5. Originally meant "to stow cargo". Now, means "to search a ship carefully and thoroughly".
  6. to look for something by pushing and digging
  7. to search / perform a search of a vessel
  8. (v) izlеrgе, qarmarģa