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ruminate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ruminated, past tense; ruminated, past participle; ruminates, 3rd person singular present; ruminating, present participle;
  1. Think deeply about something
    • - we sat ruminating on the nature of existence
  2. (of a ruminant) Chew the cud

  1. chew the cuds; "cows ruminate"
  2. chew over: reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"; "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"
  3. (rumination) contemplation: a calm, lengthy, intent consideration
  4. (rumination) (of ruminants) chewing (the cud); "ruminants have remarkable powers of rumination"
  5. (rumination) regurgitation of small amounts of food; seen in some infants after feeding
  6. Physiologically, a ruminant is a mammal of the order Artiodactyla that digests plant-based food by initially softening it within the animal's first stomach, then regurgitating the semi-digested mass, now known as cud, and chewing it again. ...
  7. (Rumination (eating disorder)) Rumination syndrome, or Merycism is an under-diagnosed chronic eating disorder, characterized by effortless regurgitation of most meals following consumption. ...
  8. (Rumination (psychology)) Rumination is a way of responding to distress that involves repetitively (and passively) focusing on the symptoms of distress, and on its possible causes and consequences. ...
  9. To chew cud. (Said of ruminants.) Involves regurgitating partially digested food from the rumen; To meditate or reflect
  10. (Ruminated) Having the appearance of being chewed, as the albumen of the nutmeg.
  11. (Rumination) The process of regurgitating food to be rechewed.
  12. (Rumination) after swallowing, the regurgitation of food followed by chewing another time.
  13. (Rumination) Going over something (such as an event) over and over again in your mind.
  14. (Rumination) is attempting to change a situation or undo the past by thinking about it. A change in perception often can make one feel better about the past, but perceptual changes rarely occur from thinking alone, therefore rumination tends to be circular and never-ending.
  15. (Rumination) means spitting up and chewing food over and over again. People who do this spit up effortlessly, without gagging or retching. They spit up soon after they eat, and can chew their food for hours. ...
  16. (Rumination) the process of digestion of ruminants, whereby the animal swallows food quickly, and then regurgitates and chews it more thoroughly at a later time until digestion is completed (Morris 1992).
  17. (1) of a surface or tissue, with an irregular, involuted outline, as in a rumen; (2) mottled in appearance.
  18. A term used to describe endosperm or cotyledons which have a mottled or striped appearance resulting from the intrusion of the testa (seed coat) into the tissue.
  19. ru·mi·nate (rˇąme-nât´) verb ru·mi·nat·ed, ru·mi·nat·ing, ru·mi·nates verb, intransitive To turn a matter over and over in the mind. verb, transitive To reflect on over and over again. [Latin rúminâre, rúminât-, from rúmen, rúmin-, throat.]. ruąmi·na´tive adjective. ruąmi·na´tive·ly adverb. ...
  20. To seriously think about something.