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routinize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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routinising, present participle; routinised, past participle; routinized, past participle; routinizes, 3rd person singular present; routinizing, present participle; routinized, past tense; routinised, past tense; routinises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make (something) into a matter of routine; subject to a routine
    • - communication was routinized to ensure consistency of information

  1. To make routine, to make common by repetition
  2. (routinized) Carried out as part of a routine
  3. (Routinization) refers to the means by which transaction processes are standardized to improve the flow of goods and services through marketing channels. Routinization has several advantages for all channel participants. ...