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rouse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rousing, present participle; roused, past tense; roused, past participle; rouses, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Bring out of sleep; awaken
    • - she was roused from a deep sleep by a hand on her shoulder
  2. Cease to sleep or to be inactive; wake up
    • - she roused, took off her eyepads, and looked around
  3. Startle out of inactivity; cause to become active
    • - once the enemy camp was roused, they would move on the castle
    • - she'd just stay a few more minutes, then rouse herself and go back
  4. Startle (game) from a lair or cover

  5. Haul (something) vigorously in the specified direction
    • - rouse the cable out
  6. Cause to feel angry or excited
    • - the crowds were roused to fever pitch by the drama of the race
  7. Cause or give rise to (an emotion or feeling)
    • - his evasiveness roused my curiosity
  8. Stir (a liquid, esp. beer while brewing)
    • - rouse the beer as the hops are introduced

  1. bestir: become active; "He finally bestirred himself"
  2. rout out: force or drive out; "The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M."
  3. agitate: cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks"
  4. awaken: cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."
  5. (rousing) arousal: the act of arousing; "the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions"
  6. (rousing) capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement; "a rousing sermon"; "stirring events such as wars and rescues"
  7. rousing to activity or heightened action as by spurring or goading; "tossed a rousing political comment into the conversation"
  8. Rouse is a surname, and may refer to
  9. The Rouse is a bugle call most often associated with the military in Commonwealth countries. It is commonly played following The Last Post at military services, and is often mistakenly referred to as Reveille.
  10. Rouses Supermarkets are a chain of grocery markets based in Louisiana and Mississippi. The company had its start as the City Produce Company, founded by J. P. ...
  11. an arousal; an official ceremony over drinks; The sounding of a bugle in the morning after reveille, to signal that soldiers are to rise from bed, often the rouse; to wake or be awoken from sleep, or from apathy; to provoke (someone) to anger or action; To pull by main strength; to haul
  12. (Roused) When a hockey asks his mount to respond, either by strong hand urging or by using the whip.
  13. To make a yeast starter using sterile wort and N to G of the normal pitching slurry.
  14. vt. To shake feathers into place. n. The act of rousing. The rouse is a whole body movement where the feathers are lifted away from the body, shook, and then flattened back closer to the body.
  15. (v.) – when a hawk lifts all its feathers and then shakes them back into place, often in preparation of flying.
  16. Shaking feathers out as a grooming action