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roughhouse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Act in a boisterous, violent manner,
  1. Act in a boisterous, violent manner
    • - in front of the stage hundreds of teens and young adults roughhouse, flinging themselves into each other
  2. Handle (someone) roughly or violently
    • - the police department grabbed Danny as a suspect and roughhoused him
  1. A violent disturbance or an instance of boisterous play

  1. engage in rough or disorderly play
  2. Roughouse is a fictional character, a comic book supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe and the occasional enemy of Wolverine. His first appearance was in Wolverine vol. 2, #4. The character was created by Chris Claremont and John Buscema.
  3. (Roughhousing) When an opponent fights in an overly physical and unruly way.
  4. means to play roughly and not carefully. What’s the word?