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rough 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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roughest, superlative; rougher, comparative;
  1. Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level
    • - take a square of sandpaper, rough side out
  2. (of ground or terrain) Having many bumps or other obstacles; difficult to cross
    • - they had to carry the victim across the rough, stony ground
  3. Not soft to the touch
    • - her skin felt dry and rough
  4. (of a voice) Coming out with difficulty so as to sound harsh and rasping
    • - his voice was rough with barely suppressed fury
  5. (of wine or another alcoholic drink) Sharp or harsh in taste

  6. Denoting the face of a tennis or squash racket from which the loops formed in the stringing process project (used as a call when the racket is spun to decide the right to serve first or to choose ends); the opposite of smooth

  7. (of a person or their behavior) Not gentle; violent or boisterous
    • - strollers should be capable of withstanding rough treatment
  8. (of an area or occasion) Characterized by or notorious for the occurrence of violent behavior
    • - the workmen hate going to the rough areas of town
  9. (of the sea) Having large and dangerous waves
    • - the lifeboat crew braved rough seas to rescue a couple
  10. (of weather) Wild and stormy

  11. Difficult and unpleasant; hard; severe
    • - the teachers gave me a rough time because my image didn't fit
    • - the first day of a job is rough on everyone
  12. Unwell
    • - the altitude had hit her and she was feeling rough
  13. Depressed and anxious
    • - when he's feeling rough, he comes and talks things over to calm him down
  14. Not finished tidily or decoratively; plain and basic
    • - the customers sat at rough wooden tables
  15. Put together without the proper materials or skill; makeshift
    • - he had one arm in a rough sling
  16. (of hair or fur) Not smooth; coarse
    • - the creature's body was covered with rough hair
  17. Lacking sophistication or refinement
    • - she took care of him in her rough, kindly way
  18. Not worked out or correct in every detail
    • - he had a rough draft of his new novel
  1. Work or shape (something) in a rough, preliminary fashion
    • - flat surfaces of wood are roughed down
  2. Produce a preliminary and unfinished sketch or version of something
    • - the engineer roughed out a diagram on his notepad
  3. Make uneven or ruffled
    • - rough up the icing with a palette knife
    • - the water was roughed by the wind
  4. Live in discomfort with only basic necessities
    • - she had had to rough it alone in a dive
  1. A disreputable and violent person

  2. (on a golf course) Longer grass around the fairway and the green
    • - his second shot was in the rough on the left
  3. A preliminary sketch for a design
    • - I did a rough to work out the scale of the lettering
  4. An uncut precious stone

  1. In a manner that lacks gentleness; harshly or violently
    • - treat ’em rough but treat ’em fair

  1. roughly: with roughness or violence (`rough' is an informal variant for `roughly'); "he was pushed roughly aside"; "they treated him rough"
  2. the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short
  3. rough in: prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
  4. (of persons or behavior) lacking refinement or finesse; "she was a diamond in the rough"; "rough manners"
  5. approximate: not quite exact or correct; "the approximate time was 10 o'clock"; "a rough guess"; "a ballpark estimate"
  6. rocky: full of hardship or trials; "the rocky road to success"; "they were having a rough time"
  7. "Rough..." is the final single from Queen Latifah's 1993 album Black Reign. The song features rappers KRS-One, Treach and Heavy D. Although the song was released as a Cassette single, Promo CD Single and 12" Promo vinyl single, a video was never shot, nor did the song get radio play. ...
  8. Rough is Tina Turner's third solo album, released in September 1978 on the EMI Music label in the UK, Ariola Records in West Germany and United Artists in the U.S. This was the first solo album she recorded without Ike Turner. ...
  9. Rough is a natural gas storage facility situated off the east coast of England.
  10. A golf course consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a teeing ground, fairway, rough and other hazards, and a green with a flagstick (pin) and cup, all designed for the game of golf. ...
  11. Roughing is an offense and penalty in ice hockey when two players are in a minor altercation. The incident would have to be minor for either player to be categorized as such an offense such as: * A player striking another opponent * A goalie uses their equipment to punch an opponent
  12. The unmowed part of a golf course; A crude person; A scuffed and roughened area of the pitch, where the bowler's feet fall, used as a target by spin bowlers because of its unpredictable bounce; The raw material from which faceted or cabochon gems are created; A quick sketch, similar to a ...
  13. (roughly) In a rough manner; Unevenly; harshly; rudely; severely; austerely; Imprecise but close to in quantity or amount; approximately
  14. (Roughed) Used to describe a horse that has experienced traffic problems. His jockey has been forced to steady due to the fact that a rival has impeded his progress. He has been bumped and jostled around.
  15. (roughing) a minor penalty which occurs when a fight between players is more of a pushing and shoving match; a less severe penalty than fighting.
  16. (ROUGHING) Excessively fouling or hitting an opponent.
  17. (Roughing) A two minute minor or five minute major penalty may be assessed if the referee feels a player is guilty of unnecessary roughness.
  18. (Roughing) Minor shoves resulting in a minor penalty.
  19. (Roughing) Removing the raw surface of a newly cast cymbal with a lathing machine to achieve the desired thickness
  20. (Roughing) The initial evacuation of a vacuum system.
  21. (Roughing) This process begins with raw stock, known as billet, and cuts it very roughly to shape of the final model. In milling, the result often gives the appearance of terraces, because the strategy has taken advantage of the ability to cut the model horizontally. ...
  22. (Roughs) Also seen as Ruffs. Animation in which the broad action is conveyed but the details are left out. Blue line drawings that are loose. (see also Pencil Test).
  23. (Roughs) comped tracks without mixing
  24. Roughs are also known as a line test or pencil test. They are simple sequences that show the main action and are intended to verify the timing and flow of action. After the roughs are approved, they are cleaned up, resulting in the final product. ...
  25. In hardware, metal fastenings on cabinets which are usually concealed, like staples.