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rot 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rots, 3rd person singular present; rotting, present participle; rotted, past tense; rotted, past participle;
  1. (chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) Decompose by the action of bacteria and fungi; decay
    • - the chalets were neglected and their woodwork was rotting away
  2. Cause to decay
    • - caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth
  3. Gradually deteriorate through lack of attention or opportunity
    • - he cannot understand the way the education system has been allowed to rot
  1. The process of decaying
    • - the leaves were turning black with rot
  2. Rotten or decayed matter
    • - she was busy cutting the rot from the potatoes
  3. A process of deterioration; a decline in standards
    • - it was when they moved back to the family home that the rot set in
  4. Any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases that cause tissue deterioration, esp. in plants

  5. Nonsense; rubbish
    • - don't talk rot

  1. decompose: break down; "The bodies decomposed in the heat"
  2. putrefaction: a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor
  3. decomposition: (biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action
  4. waste: become physically weaker; "Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world"
  5. bunk: unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)
  6. (rotted) decayed: damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless; "rotten floor boards"; "rotted beams"; "a decayed foundation"
  7. Rot (German for Red) is the fifth studio album (sixth overall) by German rapper Sabrina Setlur, released by 3p Records on August 24, 2007 (see 2007 in music). It was entirely co-produced by Martin Haas and Moses Pelham, with additional contribution by Bayz Benzon. ...
  8. The aviation term ROT stands for rate one turn, also known as a standard rate turn. All aircraft must be able to perform a standard rate turn.
  9. The broadcasting term ROT stands for Recording of Transmission. Traditionally ROT’s are usually made on videotapes as Long play can record up to 8 hours at a time. These days recordings are often made on hard disk by software, or dedicated hardware.
  10. The Rot is a southern tributary of the river Danube in the region of Upper Swabia in Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It has a length of 54 km.
  11. In vector calculus, the curl (or rotor) is a vector operator that describes the infinitesimal rotation of a 3-dimensional vector field. At every point in the field, the curl is represented by a vector. The attributes of this vector (length and direction) characterize the rotation at that point.
  12. ROT is a MUD codebase written by Russ Walsh which was created in 1996 as a derivate of the ROM codebase which itself was based on DikuMUD.
  13. The process of becoming rotten; putrefaction; Any of several diseases in which breakdown of tissue occurs; Verbal nonsense; to decay or decompose; to become bad
  14. (rots) third person singular of rot
  15. (rotted) Destroyed or damaged by rot; Pissed off, deeply annoyed
  16. (Rots) A disease that attacks plant roots causing them to rot.
  17. (ROTS) Revenge of the Sith.  Also used as a designation for the line of toys that were released in 2005.
  18. (Rots) Diseases, characterized by decaying plant tissue, particularly root systems, caused by fungi or bacteria.
  19. (Rotting) When making cream soap, the soap will change in texture during a period of “rotting.” It is an old-fashioned soapmaking term, brought into use for home soapmakers by Catherine Faillor.
  20. Rot is a fungal growth that consumes the cellulose in timber and leaves behind a skeleton that is easily reduced to powder or comes apart in cube-shaped chunks.  Rot occurs in damp and moist areas.  When rot becomes apparent, it is often the tip of the iceberg. ...
  21. a tree defect characterized by woody decay in a standing tree or log.
  22. Noun. Nonsense. E.g."Don't talk rot! What you've just said is total nonsense."
  23. to be reduced, damaged, or broken by the action of bacteria or fungi, or affect something organic in this way.
  24. A state of (usually advanced and obvious) decay caused by fungi. The word rot also refers to or is part of the name of a disease characterized by this symptom. See also Decay.
  25. Decay or deterioration of organic material through the enzymatic activity of microorganisms.