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roost 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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roosts, plural;
  1. (of a bird or bat) Settle or congregate for rest or sleep
    • - migrating martins and swallows were settling to roost
  1. A place where birds regularly settle or congregate to rest at night, or where bats congregate to rest in the day

  1. a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds
  2. perch: sit, as on a branch; "The birds perched high in the tree"
  3. a perch on which domestic fowl rest or sleep
  4. settle down or stay, as if on a roost
  5. Birds (class Aves) are winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals. There are around 10,000 living species, making them the most varied of tetrapod vertebrates. They inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. ...
  6. The Roost is a 2005 horror film directed by Ti West. Zombies and homicidal bats terrorize four teenagers stranded on a mysterious farm.
  7. The place where a bird sleeps (usually its nest or a branch); sleep; to come back home
  8. (Roosting) The act of settling for sleep. Roosting sites are safe areas in which organisms congregate and sleep in large numbers.
  9. (Roosting) When a bird sleeps ar rests.
  10. Gathering spot to spend the night or the winter
  11. the time when chickens are resting on a pole to sleep. It is also what you call the actual pole where chickens use to perch.
  12. v. to go fast or accelerate quickly. Or, to stop suddenly.
  13. A place where flying birds and bats rest or sleep, or where a birdAn animal that has wings and is covered with feathers. Birds have a backbone, are warm-blooded, produce young from eggs, and walk on their two legs. Most can fly. builds its nest.
  14. the act of sleeping by birds; the word can also be used of the perch, such as a branch, where the bird sleeps.
  15. place where animals sit to rest; the act of resting at night
  16. A perch where an animal, especially a bird, rests or sleeps.
  17. 1. a perch upon which birds or fowls rest at night. 2. a large cage, house, or place for fowls or birds to roost in (Stein 1966).
  18. gets its name because it looks a bit like a roosters tail – it’s the spray of mud which comes off the back tire of the motorcycle from spinning in the mud - commonly seem with moto x and dirt bikes.
  19. 1: That really cool wave of dirt, mud, rocks, sand, or any combination that you spit out behind you, often intentionally aimed at whoever's behind you. ...
  20. The spray of dirt off the rear wheel of a motocross motorcycle.
  21. a term used to describe the sleeping or breeding area of a bird
  22. Dirt or debris thrown in the air from the force of a spinning rear tire.
  23. Deriving its name from its resemblance to a rooster's tail, the roost is spray off a motorcycle's spinning rear wheel in wet mud. This is common to dirt bikes and mx motorcycles.
  24. (three chickens fly down at you, generally homing)
  25. The debris kicked up by a spinning rear wheel.