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romp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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romped, past participle; romped, past tense; romps, 3rd person singular present; romping, present participle;
  1. (esp. of a child or animal) Play roughly and energetically
    • - the noisy pack of children romped around the garden
  2. Proceed without effort to achieve something
    • - the Vikings romped to victory
  3. Engage in sexual activity, esp. illicitly
    • - a colleague stumbled on the couple romping in an office
  1. A spell of rough, energetic play
    • - a romp in the snow
  2. A lighthearted movie or other work
    • - an enjoyably gross sci-fi romp
  3. An easy victory
    • - the 45–28 romp over the Owls yesterday at Alumni Stadium
  4. A spell of sexual activity, esp. an illicit one
    • - three-in-a-bed sex romps

  1. frolic: play boisterously; "The children frolicked in the garden"; "the gamboling lambs in the meadows"; "The toddlers romped in the playroom"
  2. runaway: an easy victory
  3. run easily and fairly fast
  4. tomboy: a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
  5. play: gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement; "it was all done in play"; "their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly"
  6. win easily; "romp a race"
  7. The ROMP or Research (Office Products Division) Micro Processor was a 10 MHz RISC microprocessor designed by IBM in the early 1980s manufactured on a 2 µm process with 45,000 transistors.
  8. A period of boisterous play, a frolic; A bout of playful or boisterous sex; To play about roughly, energetically or boisterously; (US) (Often used with down) To press forcefully, to encourage vehemently, to oppress; To win easily; To engage in playful or boisterous sex
  9. Formerly a brisk, bracing, wholesome walk through the countryside. Now a sordid sexual escapade in a seedy hotel involving a celebrity and at least two other persons - three if you include the journalist.
  10. ring-opening metathesis polymerisation
  11. (verb) -- to play actively and noisily ch. 13
  12. Registry Of Merit (title granted by the Borzoi Club of America based, primarily, on the number of performance titles earned by this dog's children).
  13. Running (or winning) with ease.