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role 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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roles, plural; rôles, plural;
  1. An actor's part in a play, movie, etc
    • - Dietrich's role as a wife in war-torn Paris
  2. The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
    • - she greeted us all in her various roles of mother, friend, and daughter
    • - religion plays a vital role in society

  1. function: the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
  2. character: an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
  3. function: what something is used for; "the function of an auger is to bore holes"; "ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"
  4. normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting; "what is your role on the team?"
  5. In computer programming, a trait is a collection of methods, used as a "simple conceptual model for structuring object oriented programs". ...
  6. A character is the representation of a person in a narrative or dramatic work of art (such as a novel, play, or film). ...
  7. Role-oriented programming is a form of computer programming aimed at expressing things in terms which are analogous to our conceptual understanding of the world. This should make programs easier to understand and maintain.
  8. A role is a set of behaviours, rights and obligations conceptualized in a social situation.
  9. A character or part played by a performer or actor; The expected behaviour of an individual in a society; The function or position of something; : The function of a word in a phrase
  10. Alternative spelling of role
  11. (ROLES) Different people play different roles in the games they play. When a person is are willing to play one of the roles of a game he will often find himself playing the other roles in the game. There are a variety of roles but the three basic game roles are Persecutor, Rescuer, and Victim. ...
  12. (Roles) "Refers to expectations about activities that are performed and to beliefs and values attributed to performers" (Birenbaum, 1978, pp. 128-129).
  13. (Roles) A category related to access or functionality. Examples: Information Provider, Information Consumer
  14. (Roles) Although male and female are equal in relationship to Christ, the Scriptures give specific roles to each in marriage. Paul, in continually emphasizing the terms "head" and "submit, " summarizes the basic role of husbands and wives respectively.
  15. (Roles) Assigned function within the k-Purchase system. All employees will have one or more roles that determine what actions they are able to perform. The different roles assigned include: leader, decision maker, purchasing manager, purchasing agent and requestor.
  16. (Roles) Now list the key roles involved in delivering the project. Examples of roles include the Project Sponsor, Project Board and Project Manager. Then summarize each of the primary responsibilities of each role identified.
  17. (Roles) Role based security allows security setup using hierarchical roles that capture user and manager responsibilities in an organization. Each Role is primarily one or more Profiles, i.e. a set of security privileges. These Roles are then assigned to users. ...
  18. (Roles) Screen names of key characters in a movie or television show.
  19. (Roles) The type of access a user has within an account.
  20. (Roles) Users have permission to perform tasks based on their User Role. For example, a student worker may be given the Content Contributor Role for the Admissions Workgroup. This student would be able to edit text and images within each page but could not delete pages or create folders. ...
  21. (Roles) parties need hosting, committees need chairing, working groups may need facilitation. Online networks and communities need support from people who may be called, for example, technology stewards or network weavers. Champions are the core group of enthusiasts you need to start a community.
  22. (roles) Norms that apply to specific members of a group who occupy special positions within it
  23. (roles) the set of external expectations about a role incumbent’s behaviour. These can be explicit as defined in a job description or can be implicit and acquired through observation and internalization. ...
  24. Roles are defined collections of specific responsibilities and privileges. Roles may be held by individuals or teams. Individuals and teams may hold more than one role. ITIL® emphasizes a number of standard roles include, most importantly:
  25. A skill set for resources assigned to a project.