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rob 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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robbing, present participle; robbed, past tense; robbed, past participle; robs, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force
    • - he tried, with three others, to rob a bank
    • - she was robbed of her handbag
    • - he was convicted of assault with intent to rob
  2. Overcharge (someone) for something
    • - Bob thinks my suit cost $100, and even then he thinks I was robbed
  3. Steal
    • - he accused her of robbing the cream out of his chocolate eclair
  4. Deprive (someone or something) of something needed, deserved, or significant
    • - poor health has robbed her of a normal social life

  1. take something away by force or without the consent of the owner; "The burglars robbed him of all his money"
  2. overcharge: rip off; ask an unreasonable price
  3. Rob was a Collie who was awarded the Dickin Medal in 1945. He was alleged to have made over 20 parachute descents during the North African Campaign, serving with the SAS.
  4. To steal from, especially using force or violence; To deprive (of); To burgle; To commit robbery
  5. That is the best possible I could have hoped for from my little post. Thank you!
  6. You can parse it anyway you want, but Ryan’s plan reduces the federal deficit by passing on health care increases to the public. It will protect the feds from bankruptcy by putting individuals into bankruptcy. Of course, one does not have to buy health insurance. Did somebody say “death panel”? ...
  7. Remaining On Board (Usually referring to fuel on redelivery of the vessel).
  8. took drum lessons for a year, but became tired of reading sheet music because he enjoyed playing the music of his favorite bands by ear instead.
  9. Taking the time to help us create the brand we now call Tidal CrossFit.
  10. another superior at the Frappuchinos chain.
  11. AKA Rob Rosenbaum, is a Staff member of Newgrounds. Rob Rosenburg is the newest addition to the Newgrounds staff, taking Ross' place as the in-house programmer of user features. ...
  12. (v) tonarģa, urlarģa
  13. is a nineteen-year-old Counter-Strike enthusiast. Ethan, Lucas and Lilah all despise him because all he does is talk about Counter-Strike, with constant "you-had-to-be-there" tales. ...