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revolve 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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revolved, past participle; revolved, past tense; revolving, present participle; revolves, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Move in a circle on a central axis
    • - overhead, the fan revolved slowly
  2. Move in a circular orbit around
    • - the earth revolves around the sun
  3. Treat as the most important point or element
    • - her life revolved around her husband
  4. Consider (something) repeatedly and from different angles
    • - her mind revolved the possibilities

  1. turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
  2. orb: move in an orbit; "The moon orbits around the Earth"; "The planets are orbiting the sun"; "electrons orbit the nucleus"
  3. roll: cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"
  4. (revolved) rotated: turned in a circle around an axis
  5. Revolve, the band's seventh studio album, marks the return of lead vocalist Ted Poley. It is also the first Danger Danger studio album to feature Rob Marcello on guitar.
  6. (Revolving) A turn is a unit of angle of rotation, equal to 360° or 2π radians.
  7. To orbit a central point; To turn on an axis; To recur in cycles; To ponder on, to reflect repeatedly upon, to consider all aspects of
  8. (REVOLVING) Going in circles, not making progress / Coming full circle, completing a cycle
  9. (Revolving) An irrevocable letter issued for a specific amount; renews itself for the same amount over a given period.
  10. (Revolving) Funds that generate revenue such as laboratory class fees, workshop proceeds, seminar fees, revenue from music and theatre productions, etc. Revolving funds support expenditures specific to the course/activity that generates the revenue. ...
  11. To cause to travel in a circle or orbit.
  12. To carry part (or all) of a balance from one month to the next on a credit account. Typically the lender charges interest on the amount owed.
  13. An moveable area of the stage that enables scenery to rotate.
  14. To move in an orbit or circle around something.
  15. A stage or, more usually, part of a stage (usually circular), which can revolve through 360 degrees. The most famous, to older UK TV watchers, is the revolve which was used at the end of the TV show Sunday Night at the London Palladium.
  16. To move around another object
  17. An operation that creates surfaces or Structure and Thermal elements by sweeping existing geometry and elements through a specified angle about a specified axis.
  18. Creates a revolved solid feature from the selected profile. If you have multiple unconsumed sketches (not yet incorporated into a feature), pick the one you want to revolve. You must specify an axis about which to revolve the profile. ...