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revitalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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revitalized, past participle; revitalized, past tense; revitalizes, 3rd person singular present; revitalises, 3rd person singular present; revitalised, past tense; revitalising, present participle; revitalizing, present participle; revitalised, past participle;
  1. Imbue (something) with new life and vitality
    • - a package of spending cuts to revitalize the economy

  1. regenerate: restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"
  2. give new life or vigor to
  3. (revitalized) restored to new life and vigor; "a revitalized economy"; "a revitalized inner-city neighborhood"
  4. (revitalization) revival: bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture"
  5. (revitalizing) renewing: tending to impart new life and vigor to; "the renewing warmth of the sunshine"
  6. Alternative spelling of revitalise
  7. (revitalization) The act of revitalizing; reactivation
  8. (Revitalization) A major, comprehensive, systematic undertaking to completely modernize, renovate, rehabilitate, or, in some cases, replace and existing facility.
  9. (Revitalization) Revival absorbed. A people enlivened to express more of Christ in all of life.
  10. (Revitalization) city planners have redesigned their central cities to make them more amenable to people moving in, especially higher income residents.
  11. To update a brand identity and reputation.