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revisit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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revisited, past participle; revisits, 3rd person singular present; revisited, past tense; revisiting, present participle;
  1. Come back to or visit again
    • - she was anxious to revisit some of her old haunts in Paris
  2. Consider (a situation or problem) again or from a different perspective
    • - the council will have to revisit the issue at a general meeting this summer

  1. visit again; "We revisited Rome after 25 years"
  2. (Revisited (Cowboys International)) Cowboys International were a New Wave and synthpop band formed by vocalist and songwriter Ken Lockie that put out one album in 1979, the influential The Original Sin, and a handful of 45s before dissolving in 1980. ...
  3. (Revisited (Ralph McTell album)) Revisited is an album of remixed or re-recorded tracks from British folk musician Ralph McTell's albums Spiral Staircase and My Side of Your Window. ...
  4. (Revisited (Tom Lehrer album)) Revisited is a 1960 album by Tom Lehrer, consisting of live recordings of all the songs from 1953's Songs by Tom Lehrer. ...
  5. an act of revisiting; a second visit; to visit again; to reconsider or re-experience something
  6. (Revisited) "conceived" by Max Brandel according to his credit, these photographic pieces would take a long-established piece of text, such as the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, or the Ten Commandments, and systematically illustrate the text with ironically-chosen photo images.
  7. The revisit tag is a request for the search engine spider to return to a particular Web page for reindexing. This is appropriate for sites that frequently refresh their content.