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retry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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retried, past tense; retried, past participle; retrying, present participle; retries, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Try (a defendant or case) again

  2. Reenter a command, esp. differently because one has made an error the first time

  3. (of a system) Transmit data again because the first attempt was unsuccessful

  1. An instance of reentering a command or retransmitting data

  1. rehear: hear or try a court case anew
  2. Another attempt; To try (especially judicially) a second time; as, to retry a case; to retry an accused person
  3. (Retries) Specify how many times the polling process should attempt to ping the target device before giving up. When Packet Loss metric collection is enabled, the polling process sends this number of ping packets regardless of whether a response is received.
  4. packets which are not or negative acknowledged are repeated. Usually, the number of 'retries' is limited to 10 before the data link is closed (aborted).
  5. Simplifies the execution of operations with retry semantics most frequently associated with handling transactional output exceptions. ...
  6. A Disconnect without data before transferring any data is a retry, and unlike other PCI transactions, PCI initiators are required to pause slightly before continuing the operation. See the PCI specification for details.