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retrogress 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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retrogressed, past participle; retrogresses, 3rd person singular present; retrogressing, present participle; retrogressed, past tense;
  1. Go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
    • - she retrogressed to the starting point of her rehabilitation

  1. regress: get worse or fall back to a previous condition
  2. relapse: go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
  3. (retrogression) degeneration: passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form
  4. (retrogression) regression: returning to a former state
  5. To return to an earlier, simpler or worse condition; to regress; To go backwards; to retreat; To return to bad behaviour; to relapse
  6. (retrogression) A deterioration or decline to a previous state; A return to a less complex condition
  7. (Retrogression) Sometimes a case that is current one month will not be current the next month.  This occurs when the annual numerical limit has been reached.  This usually happens near the end of a fiscal year (October 1 to September 30 of the next year). ...
  8. (Retrogression) (or Retrograde Motion) - Movement of a weather system in a direction opposite to that of the basic flow in which it is embedded, usually referring to a closed low or a longwave trough which moves westward.
  9. (Retrogression) or reversibility means that the loss of performance gains (same as detraining) occurs when training stops. Only 1 or 2 weeks of detraining can significantly reduce fitness gains and many training improvements can be totally lost within several months. ...
  10. (RETROGRESSION) Backward development. When an animal, as it approaches maturity, becomes less perfectly organised than might be expected from its early stages and known relationships, it is said to undergo a retrograde development or metamorphosis.
  11. (Retrogression) A Buddhist term that refers to one's rebirth after death on earth or one of the lower realms.
  12. (Retrogression) An historical term used to mean succession in reverse.
  13. (Retrogression) The significant dilution of the voting share of a minority group in a district via redistricting. Used most frequently to describe the transformation of a minority-majority or minority-plurality district into a white-majority or white-plurality district. ...
  14. (Retrogression) The term used to describe a reduction in the voting strength of a racial or ethnic group resulting from a redistricting plan or other change in election procedures. ...
  15. (retrogression) The backwards or east to west motion of some planets where they reverse their normal west to east seasonal motion, double back, then reverse direction again and head back along their west to east path around the heavens. ...
  16. (retrogression) a series of chords that weakens a tonality.