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retell 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Tell (a story) again or differently,
  1. Tell (a story) again or differently
    • - Walker retells the history of the world from the black perspective

  1. recite: render verbally, "recite a poem"; "retell a story"
  2. fictionalize: make into fiction; "The writer fictionalized the lives of his parents in his latest novel"
  3. repeat: to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"
  4. To tell again, to paraphrase, to tell something one has read or heard
  5. (Retelling) A technique used by teachers to assess if the student has understood and can retain what was read. Once you have finished reading the story, ask the student to retell the main events or ideas in the order in which they took place. This is usually only practiced in K/1. ...
  6. (Retelling) A detailed oral or written recitation of a text, including setting, major and minor events, characters, and plot.
  7. (retelling) Teachers analyze children’s retellings of text to gauge their level of comprehension and use of language. ...
  8. (v) aytırģa, haparlarģa