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retard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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retarded, past participle; retards, 3rd person singular present; retarding, present participle; retarded, past tense;
  1. Delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment
    • - his progress was retarded by his limp
  1. offensive. A mentally handicapped person (often used as a general term of abuse)

  1. cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate; "This drug will retard your heart rate"
  2. idiot: a person of subnormal intelligence
  3. be delayed
  4. check: slow the growth or development of; "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"
  5. decelerate: lose velocity; move more slowly; "The car decelerated"
  6. mentally retarded: people collectively who are mentally retarded; "he started a school for the retarded"
  7. Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors with onset before the age of 18. It has historically been defined as an Intelligence Quotient score under 70. ...
  8. (Retarded (single)) Retarded is a single by the band The Afghan Whigs.
  9. retardation; delay; a person with mental retardation; a stupid person, or one who is slow to learn; To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; To put off; to postpone; To be slow or dilatory to perform (something ...
  10. (retarded) Delayed; delayed in development, hindered; impeded. [from 17th c.]; Having mental retardation, characterised by learning difficulties (specifically having an IQ below 70); now more generally, mentally deficient. [from 19th c. ...
  11. (retardment) Retardation; the act of retarding or delaying
  12. Noun. A contemptible person. A term usually used by adolescents.
  13. To slow down. When applied to bread, it means a long, cool rest for the dough, during which it develops flavor and gluten. In bakeries, breads are often retarded at 42 to 47°F overnight before their final proof.
  14. [JP 1-02] (DoD) A request from a spotter to indicate that the illuminating projectile burst is desired later in relation to the subsequent bursts of high explosive projectiles.
  15. Someone with absolutely ZERO Awareness. That is what qualifies as a retard.
  16. (n, offensive) one who is very stupid or slow. Synonyms: idiot, dummy, moron. Freq: occasional. I don’t talk to Randy, he’s such a retard.
  17. Retarded the camshaft timing is retarded. Usually done with the timing gears or timing chain. Retarding the cam makes the peak cylinder pressures [bmep] occur later in the rpm range. Retarding the cam shifts the optimum operating rpm range [power band] higher. ...
  18. CallMeCoyle 2 weeks ago