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retail 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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retails, plural;
  1. Sell (goods) to the public in such a way
    • - the difficulties in retailing the new products
  2. (of goods) Be sold in this way for (a specified price)
    • - the product retails for around $20
  3. Recount or relate details of (a story or event) to others
    • - his inimitable way of retailing a diverting anecdote
  1. The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale
    • - the product's retail price
  1. Being sold in such a way
    • - it is not yet available retail

  1. the selling of goods to consumers; usually in small quantities and not for resale
  2. at a retail price; "I'll sell it to you retail only"
  3. be sold at the retail level; "These gems retail at thousands of dollars each"
  4. sell on the retail market
  5. (retailer) a merchant who sells goods at retail
  6. Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser. Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. ...
  7. Retail is a syndicated comic strip distributed by King Features Syndicate. It is authored and illustrated by Norm Feuti. It made its newspaper debut on January 1, 2006, and then gained quickly in popularity following articles in The New York Times and TIME Magazine
  8. The sale of goods directly to the consumer; encompassing the storefronts, mail-order, websites, etc., and the corporate mechanisms, branding, advertising, etc. ...
  9. (retailer) (p. 460) An organization that sells to ultimate consumers.
  10. (Retailer) Middlemen, such as travel agents, who sell directly to the consumer.
  11. (Retailer) An individual or firm that sells goods and services directly to the consumer
  12. (Retailer) The organisation or outlet that sells the product or service to the trade or end consumer.
  13. (RETAILER (DISPENSARY)) A company that sells goods to consumers. In the pharmaceutical sector, the retailer is the pharmacy or any other dispensary of medicines. Umbrella term for facilities that dispense/sell medicines (POM and OTC) to out-patients, e.g. ...
  14. (Retailer) A business that takes title to products and resells them to final consumers. Examples include Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Safeway, but also include the many smaller independent stores.
  15. (Retailer) A channel institution which acts as an intermediary between other channel institutions and the end user and who usually breaks bulk, charging a margin for its services.
  16. (Retailer) A company, whether online or at a brick-and-mortar location, that sells products to the end user and collects applicable sales tax.
  17. (Retailer) A firm (other than a refiner, reseller, or reseller/retailer) that carries on the trade or business of purchasing refined petroleum products and reselling them to ultimate consumers without substantially changing their form.
  18. (Retailer) A person engaged in a business that includes the sale of tobacco products to consumers.
  19. (Retailer) A seller of goods in small amounts to consumers.
  20. (Retailer) Electricity retailers buy electricity from the generators and sell it to end-use consumers. A retailer is responsible for meter reading and billing services.
  21. (Retailer) In the UK refers to the site owner of a pub.
  22. (Retailer) One who buys a product to resale.
  23. (Retailer) Person doing a retail business, known to the trade and public as such, and selling in commerce to any user or consumer; also called vendor or seller.
  24. (Retailer) Retail premises sell direct to the public and may or may not produce food from raw ingredients for distribution within the immediate local area.  For example: supermarkets, vending machines, temporary market stalls, bakeries, fresh pasta premises.
  25. (Retailer) Seller of book to consumers including independent and chain bookstores, big box retailers, mass merchants, and online retailers.