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resurface 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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resurfaced, past tense; resurfaced, past participle; resurfacing, present participle; resurfaces, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Put a new coating on or reform (a surface such as a road, a floor, or ice)

  2. Come back up to the surface
    • - he resurfaced beside the boat
  3. Arise or become evident again
    • - serious concerns about the welfare of animals eventually resurfaced
  4. (of a person) Come out of hiding or obscurity
    • - he resurfaced under a false identity in Australia

  1. reappear on the surface
  2. cover with a new surface
  3. appear again; "The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York"
  4. (Resurfacing) Road surface (British English) or pavement (American English) is the durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. ...
  5. (Resurfacing) the placing of a supplemental surface on an existing surface in order to increase its strength or improve its conformation.
  6. (Resurfacing) Applying a new plaster finish over the existing surface.
  7. (Resurfacing) If the cylinder head is warped due to thermal differences, its mating surface will have to be machined to ensure first that a level surface is created and second that the engine's compression ratio is not increased above a tolerable value. ...
  8. (Resurfacing) hardwood flooring involves buffing the floor and then applying a new coat of finish to it.  This process is to repair minor imperfections and blemishes on the floor.
  9. (Resurfacing) is the placement of new asphalt pavement on an existing road and is typically performed on roads which show wear such as rutting, pot-holes, cracking, and general failure of the asphalt riding surface. ...
  10. (resurfacing) when oil that’s been broken apart by a dispersant re-coagulates and pops back to the water surface