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restate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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restating, present participle; restated, past tense; restates, 3rd person singular present; restated, past participle;
  1. State (something) again or differently, esp. in order to correct or to make more clear or convincing
    • - he restated his opposition to abortion
    • - restated earnings

  1. repeat: to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"
  2. (restatement) a revised statement
  3. (Restatements) In American jurisprudence, the Restatements of the Law are a set of treatises on legal subjects that seek to inform judges and lawyers about general principles of common law. ...
  4. (A Restatement) A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims CE 570 to 661 is a 1996 book written by Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy, in which most of the history of Islam is retold in the Twelver Shi'a perspective. ...
  5. to state again; to state differently; to rephrase ^syn
  6. (RESTATEMENT) With regard to a business entity, a restatement of an entity’s articles is executed in order to clarify the current status of affairs of an entity for a public record.
  7. (Restatement) A publication which tells what the law is in a particular field, as compiled from statutes and decisions.
  8. (Restatement) A type of sentence completion question in which the correct answer choice is already defined in the sentence.
  9. (Restatement) An amendment to a trust that alters (changes) all provisions of the original trust and any previous amendments; a restatement does not cancel the original trust; it serves as a rewriting of the trust, thereby leaving the original trust date intact. ...
  10. (Restatement) Should any part of this agreement be legally deemed in conflict with the laws which govern these terms of service, such part will be considered to be restated in accordance with the applicable laws and reflecting the original intentions as nearly as possible. ...
  11. (Restatement) The author repeats an idea in easier words.
  12. (restatement) a component of a fully developed argument, it refers to the author's repeating (reiterating) the thesis in a more extended or slightly different way so as to strength and clarify the argument.
  13. Restatement is the process used by the Attorney General to make updated versions of Acts of the Oireachtas, or earlier statutes, available. These versions, known as restatements, do not alter the substance of the law and, therefore, do not require Oireachtas approval. ...
  14. Restate your book idea in 25 words or less, incorporating the tweaks. You may do this process as many times as you need to in order to focus your nonfiction book proposal.