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resound 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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resounds, 3rd person singular present; resounding, present participle; resounded, past tense; resounded, past participle;
  1. (of a sound, voice, etc.) Fill a place with sound; be loud enough to echo
    • - another scream resounded through the school
  2. (of a place) Be filled or echo with a particular sound or sounds
    • - the office resounds with the metronomic clicking of keyboards
  3. (of fame, a person's reputation, etc.) Be much talked of
    • - whatever they do in the nineties will not resound in the way that their earlier achievements did
  4. Sing (the praises) of
    • - Horace resounds the praises of Italy
  5. (of a place) Reecho (a sound)
    • - cliffs, woods, and caves, her viewless steps resound

  1. ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"
  2. make noise: emit a noise
  3. (resounding) resonant: characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the rolling thunder"
  4. ReSound is a supplier of hearing instruments (hearing aids). Headquartered in Ballerup, Denmark, ReSound is part of The GN ReSound Group, one of the world’s largest providers of hearing instruments and diagnostic audiological instrumentation which in turn is part of GN Store Nord.
  5. Resound is the first album released by the Norwegian electronica project Ugress. It was released on Tuba records/Port Azur in 2002.
  6. to sound again; to echo a sound
  7. (resounding) The action of the verb to resound; Having a deep, rich sound; mellow and resonant; That causes reverberation; emphatic, celebrated
  8. dynnan; hlimman; hlynsian