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reside 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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resided, past participle; resides, 3rd person singular present; residing, present participle; resided, past tense;
  1. Have one's permanent home in a particular place
    • - people who work in the city actually reside in neighboring towns
  2. Be situated
    • - the paintings now reside on the walls of a restaurant
  3. (of power or a right) Belong by right to a person or body
    • - legislative powers reside with the federal assembly
  4. (of a quality) Be present or inherent in something
    • - the meaning of an utterance does not wholly reside in the semantic meaning

  1. make one's home in a particular place or community; "may parents reside in Florida"
  2. occupy: live (in a certain place); "She resides in Princeton"; "he occupies two rooms on the top floor"
  3. rest: be inherent or innate in;
  4. (Residing) A house is a home, building or structure that is a dwelling or place for habitation by human beings. The term includes many kinds of dwellings ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes to free standing individual structures.Schoenauer, Norbert (2000). ...
  5. To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to remain for a long time; To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or be as in attribute or element; To sink; to settle, as sediment
  6. (Resides) Glastonbury, Connecticut
  7. (residing) living in a particular place
  8. (Residing (Residing Enrollment)) Residing refers to any student that lives within a specific geography irrespective of where they go to school or attend.
  9. v.  ~ (in/at...) have one's home (in a certain place); live
  10. To dwell permanently; to exist as a quality or attribute; live in or at