- feel bitter or indignant about; "She resents being paid less than her co-workers"
- begrudge: wish ill or allow unwillingly
- (resentful) full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will; "resentful at the way he was treated"; "a sullen resentful attitude"
- (resentment) a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
- Resentment can be triggered by an emotionally disturbing experience felt again or relived in the mind. When the person feeling resentment is directing the emotion at themself it appears as remorse.
- (Resentment (song)) B'Day is the second studio album by American R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles, released September 4, 2006, on Columbia Records in collaboration with Music World Music and Sony Urban Music. Its release coincided with Knowles' twenty-fifth birthday. ...
- To express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at (words or acts); To feel resentment; To be sensible of; to feel; In a positive sense, to take well; to receive with satisfaction; In a negative sense, to take ill; to consider as an injury or affront; to be indignant at; To give forth an ...
- (resentment) A feeling of anger or displeasure stemming from belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation
- (resentment) a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury
- (Resentment) Feelings of ill will that we hold for others usually as a result of some perceived harm they have done us. In recovery, we cannot afford to harbor resentments because they corrode our lives and can lead us back to alcohol. ...
- (Resentment) With repeated rebuff, and repeated issues coming up, both developers and users will inevitably develop resentment. Signs of this are users saying, "IT just isn't listening to us" and developers saying "Those users cannot make up their minds."
- (Resentment) is an attitude of bitterness and hate (cold, frozen rage) toward a person or group as a result of a real or imagined injury or wrong done to us. Resentments refuse ownership of both our past and present choices, and the consequences of those choices. ...