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reseed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reseeded, past participle; reseeded, past tense; reseeds, 3rd person singular present; reseeding, present participle;
  1. Sow (an area of land) with seed, esp. grass seed, again

  1. seed again or anew
  2. maintain by seeding without human intervention; "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely"
  3. (Reseeding) There are several different Playoff formats used in various levels of competition in sports and games. Some of the most common are the single elimination, the best-of- series, the total points series, and the round-robin tournament.
  4. To sow seeds again; to resow or replant; Of a non-perennial plant, to produce seeds to ensure the following generation without human intervention; To self sow; To reset the input of an algorithm so as to ensure different results
  5. (Reseeding) The application of grass seed to fill in thin or bare spots on a lawn.
  6. Reseeding is a coordinated effort between environment developers and domain designers to cleanup, organize and incrementally formalize DODEs which have grown through evolutionary growth processes.- R: SER Model
  7. When there are zero seeds for a given torrent (and not enough peers to have a distributed copy), then eventually all the peers will get stuck with an incomplete file, since no one in the swarm has the missing pieces. ...
  8. To drop fertile seeds that will produce seedlings.