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reroute 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Send (someone or something) by or along a different route,
  1. Send (someone or something) by or along a different route
    • - the police had rerouted the march

  1. (Rerouting) Route to be followed as altered from the one originally specified in the Air Waybill (air cargo).
  2. (Rerouting (Voluntary)) If, before departure, a passenger wants to make a change to their itinerary, we call that voluntary rerouting.  The term rerouting may be confusing, in that the actual route does not have to change (although it could) - i.e. ...
  3. (Rerouting) When a shipment is rerouted and delivered to a different address in the same city, or to a different address in another city or province, or when a 'hold-at-location' instruction has been changed to a 'request for courier' delivery.
  4. a term used to describe the swing path of a club that is dramatically different on the downswing as compared to that on the backswing. Example: "You paused nicely at the top of your swing but then you rerouted your club coming down at the ball."