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requite 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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requited, past participle; requites, 3rd person singular present; requiting, present participle; requited, past tense;
  1. Make appropriate return for (a favor or service); reward
    • - they are quick to requite a kindness
  2. Avenge or retaliate for (an injury or wrong)

  3. Return a favor to (someone)
    • - to win enough to requite my friends
  4. Respond to (love or affection); return
    • - she did not requite his love

  1. make repayment for or return something
  2. (requital) retribution: a justly deserved penalty
  3. (requital) an act of requiting; returning in kind
  4. Requital is a 2006 action RPG developed by Akella and Primal Software and released by Excalibur Publishing on the Microsoft Windows platform.
  5. To return in kind; To repay; to recompense; to reward; To retaliate
  6. (requital) Compensation for loss or damage; amends; retaliation or reprisal; vengeance
  7. Repay someone for a benefit.