- a mild rebuke or criticism; "words of reproach"
- express criticism towards; "The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior"
- disgrace or shame; "he brought reproach upon his family"
- (Reproaches) The Improperia are a series of antiphons and responses, expressing the remonstrance of Jesus Christ with His people. They are also known as the "Reproaches". In the Catholic liturgy they are sung as part of the observance of the Passion, usually on the afternoon of Good Friday. ...
- Tell someone that he has acted wrongly and has hurt you.
- (v) közgе tutarģa, közünе tutarģa, qaģarģa, tırman etеrgе
- noun, an expression of disproval, disgrace, discredit, a cause of occasion of blame or disgrace.
- to blame for something; a disgrace