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reprint 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reprinting, present participle; reprinted, past tense; reprints, 3rd person singular present; reprinted, past participle;
  1. Print again or in a different form
    • - the story has been reprinted at intervals ever since it first appeared
  1. An act of printing more copies of a work

  2. A copy of a book or other material that has been reprinted

  3. An offprint

  1. reissue: a publication (such as a book) that is reprinted without changes or editing and offered again for sale
  2. print anew; "They never reprinted the famous treatise"
  3. offprint: a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication
  4. A reprint is a re-publishing of material that has already been previously published. The word reprint is used in many fields.
  5. In philately a reprint is a new printing of a postage stamp from the original plates.Sutton, R.J. & K.W. Anthony. The Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia. 6th edition. London: Stanley Paul, 1966, p.205. A reprint is to be distinguished from a new print which is not printed from the original medium. ...
  6. A book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again; To publish something that has been published before
  7. (Reprints) previously published articles made available for publication in other magazines or journals.
  8. (3. Reprints) Authors will be able to purchase reprints at a special discounted Author's Price, one at a time, or in multiple copies at per-book costs that are lower than that of the first printing.
  9. (Reprints) will only grant reprints if the printing was our error. We WILL NOT reprint low resolution and/or bad files or any error on the customer files submitted by the customer.
  10. (Reprints) Customers must notify within 5 business days of order delivery to report any defects discovered in the ordered product. 100% of the product should be returned to at the customer's expense within 10 business days from the date of delivery. ...
  11. (Reprints) Stamps that have been printed following the withdrawl of the issued stamps.
  12. (Reprints) We can reprint articles for you from issues that have already been printed. Reprints are always perfect bound. They are more expensive than offprints produced at the same time as the issue. ...
  13. (Reprints) Works you've managed to sell twice or more. In most instances, the rights to a published work will revert back to you within several years, whereupon you can attempt to publish it again. ...
  14. (Reprints) if you need more than one copy of an article, you can purchase them in print or electronically. For more information, please visit our Reprints section.
  15. Reprints usually involve the placing of an article back on the printing press - the reproduction is usually part of a sales order for additional copies. ...
  16. a second or subsequent printing of a title with minimal alteration to the text.
  17. note printed from original plates, usually many years later.
  18. On this website, a reprint, or eprint, is a version of an Act or Regulation that incorporates all amendments made to it as at the date of the last amendment. ...
  19. A reprint is a consolidation or compilation of legislation as originally made and any amendments to the legislation.
  20. If a bill is amended substantially at committee stage, the committee may order a reprint when it reports the bill to the House. When a bill receives third reading, it may again be reprinted.
  21. A paper copy of a peer-reviewed, published article. Usually printed off by the publisher and given to or purchased by the author for distribution. Sometimes referes to the Inter-Library Loan or Copyright Clearance Centre photocopies of the published draft.
  22. Act or Regulations that has had all amendments consolidated with the Principal
  23. A subsequent edition of material that is already in print, especially publication in a different format - the paperback reprint of a hardcover, for example.
  24. Corrected copy of a Bill which shows the changes in a Bill which are of an editorial nature. Corrected reprints have the same Bill number as the original. (See also Redraft)
  25. To print a book again using the original materials, or to print a book in another version, such as the paperback version of a previously published hardcover book.