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repaint 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Cover with a new coat of paint,
  1. Cover with a new coat of paint

  1. paint again; "He repainted the same scenery many times during his life"
  2. A repaint is a toy that was created entirely from a mold was previously available, however the colors of the plastic and/or the paint operations have been changed. Repaints differ from redecos in that repaints do not alter the actual placement of paint applications while redecos do.
  3. (Repainted) a can that has had any part of its original paint redone, usually in an effort to repair damage. Repainted or 'touched up' cans are generally considered to have less value than non-repainted cans and many collectors refuse to collect repainted cans.
  4. simply takes a picture that you've already shown using show and updates it with any changes you've made to it since the time you showed it.
  5. A new paint scheme for an already released Figure. The Repaint is usually offered in the same series or as an Exclusive and in a lower quantity than the regular figure.
  6. A figure that was developed using the sculpt of a previously created figure rather than from a new sculpt for the purposes of controlling production costs. While some collectors bristle at the use of repaints they are a necessity to keep the products economically viable.
  7. An action figure that is identical to a previously-released figure, except it has been painted in different colors.