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renege 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reneged, past participle; reneguing, present participle; reneging, present participle; reneges, 3rd person singular present; reneged, past tense; renegued, past participle; renegues, 3rd person singular present; renegued, past tense;
  1. Go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract
    • - the administration had reneged on its election promises
  2. Renounce or abandon (someone or something)

  1. fail to fulfill a promise or obligation; "She backed out of her promise"
  2. revoke: the mistake of not following suit when able to do so
  3. To annul by withdrawing.
  4. To break a promise or commitment; to go back on one's word; In a card game, to break one's commitment to follow suit when capable; (archaic) To deny; to renounce
  5. (Reneges) Cancellations by investors who have placed orders in an underwritten public offering. They will have expressed their indication of interest to a registered representative of a member of the underwriting syndicate or selling group before the effective date. ...
  6. (Reneging) Accepting an offer and then changing one's mind and rejecting it. Reneging is unprofessional and jeopardizes the School's relationship with the company.
  7. Failure to play when the player has a playable tile and was required to do so by the rules of the game.
  8. Any time a player accidentally misplays during the play portion of the hand, it is called a renege. There are various forms of misplay:
  9. Fail to follow suit when able - the cardinal sin of euchre.
  10. When able, but you don't follow suit when a domino is led, e.g., a six is led, you have a six, but you play something else. Reneging is a no-no.
  11. Informal term for Revoke; associated with other games such as whist.
  12. Each time a card is led, all other players must play a card of the same suit, unless they don't have any. If you have a card of the same suit and fail to follow suit, you are called for reneging. The penalty for reneging depends on the table rules, but usually it's the loss of books. ...
  13. to renounce, to deny