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remunerate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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remunerated, past participle; remunerated, past tense; remunerates, 3rd person singular present; remunerating, present participle;
  1. Pay (someone) for services rendered or work done
    • - they should be remunerated fairly for their work

  1. compensate: make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"
  2. (remunerated) compensated: receiving or eligible for compensation; "salaried workers"; "a stipendiary magistrate"
  3. (remuneration) wage: something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
  4. (remuneration) the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses; "adequate remuneration for his work"
  5. Remuneration is wages or salary, typically money that is paid for services rendered as an employee.
  6. (remuneration) something given in exchange for goods or services rendered; a payment for work done; wages, salary, emolument; a recompense for a loss; compensation
  7. (REMUNERATION) The method of remuneration for our services to our clients is normally either in the form of a proportion of the insurance contract premium, which is set by Underwriters and known as the commission or brokerage; or a fee previously agreed with you. ...
  8. (remuneration) includes salary, wages, pay and allowances, pension, annual allowance, sessional allowance and annuity;
  9. (‘Remuneration’) includes base salary or fees, guaranteed and/or anticipated bonus and commission earnings, allowances, inducement payments, the benefit of a company car and all other payments and taxable (and, where applicable, non-taxable) emoluments payable to or receivable by the Applicant ...
  10. (Remuneration) The basis for calculating Workers’ Compensation premium. Remuneration is primarily payroll, but may also include other forms of employee compensation. ...
  11. (REMUNERATION) The payment of a health care provider (individual or organisation) for the services provided. The services may be paid directly by the patient or by a third party payer.
  12. (REMUNERATION) in regard to any MEMBER means the total of -
  13. (Remuneration) A generic term to describe any payment or benefit received in respect of employment, including salary, benefits, short-term incentives, bonuses and long term incentives, including shares and options
  14. (Remuneration) Any form of compensation from an outside entity including, but not limited to, ownership of stocks, bonds, stock options, warrants, partnership interests, rights to patent or royalty payments, receipt of consulting fees, honoraria, speaking fees, salary, loans, gifts, lectureship ...
  15. (Remuneration) As insurance brokers we earn our income predominantly from commission paid to us by Insurers based upon the amount they charge you. ...
  16. (Remuneration) In pension planning terms generally taken to mean the full and total earnings package i.e. salary and benefits in kind.
  17. (Remuneration) In the case of the LGPS, a persons pensionable remuneration is their last 365 days pay (certain payments are pensionable, others aren't - if in doubt, check with your payroll department). ...
  18. (Remuneration) Includes all payments in cash or otherwise, such as :
  19. (Remuneration) Normally, no charge will be made to you for our services without prior notice and agreement with you. ...
  20. (Remuneration) The sum of all direct and indirect cash payments to an employee. It can include cash and non-cash rewards such as base pay, allowances, health insurance, childcare allowance, personal use of a company car, superannuation contributions and bonus payments.
  21. (Remuneration) Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.
  22. (Remuneration) refers to the activity of compensating health professionals for their time and effort in providing care.  (S6, I)  chinese | russian
  23. (remuneration) We do not charge clients any fees for our services. Our income is derived from brokerage fees paid directly from the institutions to whom we introduce business. All that we would ask of you, should you be satisfied with our recommendations is that you place the business with us. ...
  24. (“Remuneration”) Includes base salary and any fixed financial benefits such as the benefit of a company car.  The provision of a car is valued at a minimum of £5,000 in the absence of other information.
  25. (“Remuneration”) means, in the case of an Applicant Engaged by the Client (or Third Party as the case may be) under a contract of employment or service agreement, the base salary plus any other gross income and benefits guaranteed to the Applicant, including without limitation guaranteed and/or ...