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remount 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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remounted, past tense; remounts, 3rd person singular present; remounted, past participle; remounting, present participle;
  1. Mount (something) again, in particular

  2. Get on (something) in order to ride it again
    • - she went to remount her horse
    • - Sandy remounted and rode through the gates
  3. Attach to a new frame or setting
    • - remount the best photos in glass-fronted mounts
  4. Produce (a play or exhibition) again

  5. Organize and embark on (a significant course of action) again
    • - the raid was remounted in August
  1. A fresh horse for a rider

  2. A supply of fresh horses for a regiment

  1. mount again; "he remounted his horse"
  2. a fresh horse especially (formerly) to replace one killed or injured in battle
  3. mount again, as after disassembling something
  4. provide with fresh horses; "remount a regiment"
  5. The opportunity of, or things necessary for, remounting; specifically, a fresh horse, with his equipments; as, to give one a remount; To go up again; to rise another time. [from 15th c.]; To help (someone) back on a horse. [from 15th c.]; To ascend (something) again. [from 17th c. ...