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remodel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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remodeled, past tense; remodelling, present participle; remodelled, past tense; remodels, 3rd person singular present; remodeled, past participle; remodelled, past participle; remodeling, present participle;
  1. Change the structure or form of (something, esp. a building, policy, or procedure)
    • - the station was remodeled and enlarged in 1927
  2. Fashion or shape (a figure or object) again or differently
    • - she remodeled the head with careful fingers

  1. do over, as of (part of) a house; "We are remodeling these rooms"
  2. recast: cast or model anew; "She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state"
  3. Renovation (also called remodeling) is the process of improving a structure. Two prominent types of renovations are commercial and residential.
  4. To change the appearance, layout, or furnishings of
  5. (Remodeling) a term used for the renovation process, including bone resorption and bone formation that maintains the strength of bone.
  6. (REMODELING) Any change, removal, replacement or addition to buildings.
  7. (Remodeling) A process of structural changes in the heart resulting from injury to or stress on the heart. The injured heart becomes more spherical as it thickens (hypertrophies) or dilates. Once this process starts, the structural changes contribute to further remodeling. ...
  8. (Remodeling) The changing of interior space primarily for aesthetic or preferential reasons when not a part of a renovation.
  9. (Remodeling) To make over again in a similar but different way or to change the form, shape or style of real or tangible personal property without causing a loss in its identity
  10. (Remodeling) is the process of resorption followed by replacement of bone with little change in shape and occurs throughout a person's life. Its purpose is the release of calcium and the repair of micro-damaged bones (from everyday stress). ...
  11. (Remodeling) process by which an implanted biomaterial is replaced by the patient’s own tissue.
  12. (remodeling) Change in the anatomical arrangement of neural connections.
  13. (remodeling) In term of scar tissue, it implies synthesis of collagen as well as collagen lysis or breakdown. For example, it happens in the process of healing when in the fracture of a bone, the broken bone tries to regain its previous shape.
  14. (remodeling) as the heart weakens, remodeling occurs: its main pumping chamber - the left ventricle - enlarges and changes shape, getting rounder. The heart also undergoes changes at the cell level, further weakening it. See this page
  15. We love remodeling projects at Great Exteriors.  Our vast knowledge and years of experience will be devoted to your project from before we start until the final cleanup and inspection is done. ...
  16. An activity designed to improve the value or desirability of a property through rebuilding, refurbishing, redecorating or adding on to it.
  17. To change a building without regard to its distinctive features or style.  Often involves changing the appearance of a structure by removing or covering original details and substituting new materials and forms.
  18. To modify or enlarge a retail store or department, i.e., expansion, new equipment, new sign package.
  19. Applies to spaces that are created that do not exist in the original structure.
  20. the morphologic change in bone as an adaptive response to altered environmental demands. The bone will progressively remodel where there is a proliferation of tissue and regressive remodeling when osteoclastic resorption is evident
  21. To refurbish, redesign, redecorate.
  22. To change the look of or functionality of a building