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relocate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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relocating, present participle; relocated, past tense; relocates, 3rd person singular present; relocated, past participle;
  1. Move to a new place and establish one's home or business there
    • - if you are relocating here from another state
    • - distribution staff will be relocated to Holland

  1. become established in a new location; "Our company relocated to the Midwest"
  2. move or establish in a new location; "We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high"
  3. (relocation) resettlement: the transportation of people (as a family or colony) to a new settlement (as after an upheaval of some kind)
  4. (relocation) move: the act of changing your residence or place of business; "they say that three moves equal one fire"
  5. (Relocation (computer science)) In computer science, relocation is the process of replacing symbolic references or names of libraries with actual usable addresses in memory before running a program. ...
  6. (Relocation (personal)) Relocation, also known as moving is the process of vacating a fixed location (such as a residence or business) and settling in a different one. ...
  7. to move (something) from one place to another; to change one's domicile or place of business
  8. (relocation) The act of moving from one place to another
  9. (Relocated) A term used in an advisory to indicate that a vector drawn from the preceding advisory position to the latest know position is not necessarily a reasonable representation of the cyclone's movement.
  10. (Relocating) Making for an obvious feature in order to redefine one's current whereabouts. Popular relocation features include tops a couple of thousand feet higher than one's current position and motorways which are always further away than they sound.
  11. (Relocating) We can assist to confirm availability BEFORE you move or sign a new lease. Considering opening a branch office in another state and need a VPN? Who offers the lowest rates? ...
  12. (Relocation) Another term for Migration usually used to describe moving a virtual machine image across geographic locations.
  13. (Relocation (Relo, Realignment, Reroute)) To alter the path of an existing trail to better follow land contours, avoid drainage sites, bypass environmentally sensitive areas, improve views, or for other landowner or management reasons.
  14. (Relocation) A common procedure implemented when the school building or environment surrounding is no longer safe. Students and staff are moved to an alternative facility where parents/guardians can reunite with children and/or teaching can continue.  Related word: Parent-Student Reunification.
  15. (Relocation) A mitigation measure designed to physically move a building to a new location outside of an identified floodplain.
  16. (Relocation) A non-urgent removal or continued expulsion of people from contaminated areas to avoid chronic radiation exposure.
  17. (Relocation) Act of changing residence or place of business. During World War II, the U.S. government “relocated” US citizens and aliens of Japanese ancestry, forcing their removal and ultimate incarceration in War Relocation Authority camps pursuant to Executive Order 9066. ...
  18. (Relocation) An address or piece of information generated by a compiler or linker that must be resolved at a later build step.
  19. (Relocation) An adjustment in a classification system resulting in the shifting of a topic between successive editions from one number to another.
  20. (Relocation) An event where an animal is moved from where it was captured to another nearby location but within the immediate vicinity. For example, moving a squirrel from a person's basement and releasing it on the backyard. See Translocation. ...
  21. (Relocation) An internal or external office move.
  22. (Relocation) Generally refers to moving between buildings. See also "internal move".
  23. (Relocation) Perhaps the most important skill in orienteering, relocation means finding out where you are after having got lost.
  24. (Relocation) The TAA Program will pay up to 90% of the costs to relocate to accept new employment, plus $1,250 to help you get settled in your new location. This is to move you, your family and your household belongings. You must provide proof of your hire with a new employer.
  25. (Relocation) The movement of a child to another part of New Zealand or overseas by the parent with day-to-day care of the child.