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reline 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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relines, 3rd person singular present; relined, past tense; relined, past participle; relining, present participle;
  1. Replace the lining of
    • - the heavily brocaded drapes that she had relined
  2. Attach a new backing canvas to (a painting)

  1. provide with a new lining; "the old fur coat must be relined"
  2. put new lines on; "reline the paper"
  3. reLINE Software was a German game development company. The company was founded by Uwe Grabosch and Holger Gehrmann in Hannover in 1987.
  4. (Relining) Cladding the blast furnace with refractory material, a process repeated in intervals from ten to fifteen years.
  5. (RELINING) for strengthening a brittle or badly torn canvas, a new piece of linen is glued at the back of the original painting. This is performed with aid of a created vacuum, with an especially for this purpose developed adhesive. ...
  6. acrylic restoration of denture base to compensate for bone loss; direct: done at chairside; indirect: in conjunction with a dental laboratory
  7. The process of resurfacing the tissue side of a denture with a base material.
  8. to add new material on the underside of a denture to improve the fit and chewing ability.
  9. This is when a dentist resurfaces part of a denture to make it fit better.
  10. To replace the brake shoes in drum brakes.
  11. The process of replacing worn out refractory brick in a blast furnace, ladle or Basic Oxygen Furnace. Relines can take 45 days to 3 months to complete and are very expensive.
  12. in reference to relining a chimney where pipe and insulation are placed through an existing flue that needs repair
  13. Reconstructing the tissue bearing surface of the denture with a new impression to improve the fit.
  14. To resurface the side of the denture that is in contact with the soft tissues of the mouth to make it fit more securely.