- having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research"
- (relevantly) with relevance
- (relevance) the relation of something to the matter at hand
- Relevance describes how pertinent, connected, or applicable something is to a given matter. A thing is relevant if it serves as a means to a given purpose. Imagine a patient suffering a well-defined disease such as scurvy caused by lack of vitamin C. ...
- (Relevance (information retrieval)) In information science and information retrieval, relevance denotes how well a retrieved document or set of documents meets the information need of the user.
- (Relevance (law)) Relevance, in the common law of evidence, is the tendency of a given item of evidence to prove or disprove one of the legal elements of the case, or to have probative value to make one of the elements of the case likelier or not. ...
- Directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic; Not out of date; current
- (Relevance) is the likelihood that a given web page will be of interest or useful to a search engine user for a keyword search.
- The document relevance bar is an expression of the calculated relevance of this document compared to the other documents in the same result set. Ranges are from zero to 100, where 100 is the most relevant. ...
- (Relevance) The key to good SEO. More relevant sites are preferred by search engines because they confirm the search engine user’s trust in the ability of the engine to deliver results. SEO practices help format a site in such a way that the engine can understand its relevance.
- (Relevance) Search engines score and rank search results according to their relevance with regard to the user’s query, an evaluation based on keywords and other SEM concepts that often determine the order in which the search results appear.
- (relevance) the usefulness of the data in the context of your business.
- (Relevance) When I speak about the relevance of a search term, I’m really asking a simple question: what percentage of folks using that search term are actually interested in what your website has to offer? ...
- (RELEVANCE) A powerful and underused term in marketing, this is the idea that your research of your prospect and market should always be relevant. In other words, your prospect has a million and one desires … thoughts … beliefs … feelings … and behaviors.
- (Relevance (Fallacies of)) Arguments that are flawed because the conclusion is based on irrelevant premises (p. FF-84; ad hominem, appeal to the people, appeal to authority, hasty generalization, false cause, begging the question, irrelevant conclusion, and false alternatives).
- (Relevance) A Framework characteristic of the information included in financial reports. Information should be useful to decisions being made about how a business will use its scarce resources. The concept of relevance includes materiality.
- (Relevance) A measure of how closely the Ads/Landing page (title, description, keywords, etc.) for PPC advertising, and web page Tags/Content (title, description tag, keywords, copy) for SEO are related to the search query and the searcher s expectations.
- (Relevance) A relevant study deals with the real concern of participants, evokes "grab" (captures the attention) and is not only of academic interest.
- (Relevance) An important feature of pay-per-click advertising. It refers to the usefulness of information to a user, such as when a relevant ad pops up pertaining to a customer’s keyword search.
- (Relevance) An item that is capable of making a difference in decision making. Information is available in a timely fashion before it loses its value in decision making.
- (Relevance) Commercial search sites have redefined the concept of “relevance” to meet their business needs. The creators of commercial search engines have begun to reassess their definitions of “relevance” based on their need to appeal to mass market audiences. ...
- (Relevance) Data are actually used for something useful.
- (Relevance) How closely the search results relate to your keyword query.
- (Relevance) How relevant is your landing page to your visitor? If a page is relevant then a visitor is more likely to be converted. Not only does a page have to be relevant to the visitor it must be obvious. ...
- (Relevance) It denotes the ability of an assessment to address the particular concerns of those using it. It is also referred to as ‘salience’. An assessment is relevant if the user is aware of it and it informs his/her decisions or behaviour. Source: Marine AoA