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relaunch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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relaunches, 3rd person singular present; relaunching, present participle; relaunched, past tense; relaunched, past participle;
  1. Cause to start again with renewed vigor after a period of inactivity

  2. Reintroduce (a product)
    • - he relaunched the paper as a tabloid
  1. An instance of reintroducing or restarting something, esp. a product

  1. Relaunch (1976-1996) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse. While he won five of his eighteen starts, he is best remembered as a sire at Wimbledon Farm in Lexington, Kentucky.
  2. A subsequent launch; To launch again
  3. a general term for getting the kite back up in the air after crashing it (on land or water). A relaunch is unassisted and requires the rider to follow a kite-specific procedure (check the manual). As years of development have gone by, the more recent kites are easier to relaunch.
  4. to start the kite flying again. It is desirable to have a kite that the kitesurfer can relaunch from the water after a fall.
  5. Like a new cover reissue, but the book is additionally given a new ISBN (contrary to best practice). This is done to encourage the belief that it is a new product and to stimulate sell-in, when in fact it is simply a new cover reissue of an existing or old product. ...