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rejuvenate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rejuvenates, 3rd person singular present; rejuvenated, past tense; rejuvenated, past participle; rejuvenating, present participle;
  1. Make (someone or something) look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively
    • - a bid to rejuvenate the town center
    • - the rejuvenating effects of therapeutic clay
  2. Restore (a river or stream) to a condition characteristic of a younger landscape

  1. cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
  2. develop youthful topographical features; "the land rejuvenated"
  3. make younger or more youthful; "The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him"
  4. regenerate: return to life; get or give new life or energy; "The week at the spa restored me"
  5. become young again; "The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather"
  6. (rejuvenation) the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored; "the annual rejuvenation of the landscape"
  7. (rejuvenation) the act of restoring to a more youthful condition
  8. (Rejuvenation (Abstract Rude album)) Rejuvenation is a studio album by Abstract Rude released on April 7, 2009. Production is handled exclusively by Vitamin D, also of the Rhymesayers.
  9. (Rejuvenation (album)) Rejuvenation is the fifth album from funk group The Meters. In 2003, the album was ranked number 138 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.
  10. (Rejuvenation (lighting and hardware)) Rejuvenation is an American manufacturer and direct marketer of light fixtures and hardware. The company builds most of their lighting in Portland, Oregon.
  11. (Rejuvenation (river)) A river is said to be rejuvenated when the base level that it is flowing down to is lowered. This can happen through various causes.
  12. To render young again
  13. (rejuvenation) The process of rendering young again; The process of producing beneficial changes
  14. (REJUVENATION) A change in condition of erosion that causes a stream to begin more active erosion and a new cycle.
  15. (Rejuvenation) Stimulation of grass growth usually through the removal of thatch and may include the process of aerification to improve compacted soil conditions.
  16. (Rejuvenation) manufacture of tools from worn or broken tools.
  17. (Rejuvenation) the increased erosional activity of a river brought about by a relative fall in sea-level which means the river must flow further and at increased gradient thus giving it more energy.
  18. (Rejuvenation) the process by which flocks of wild birds replace lost members of the flock following a culling operation
  19. (rejuvenation) Reversion from adult to juvenile stage.
  20. restore youth; a mature plant, having completed its life cycle (flowering), may be stimulated by a new 18 hour photo period, to rejuvenate or produce new vegetative growth.
  21. to restore to an original or new condition - A rejuvenated Marbury keeps the Knicks in the game.