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rejoin 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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rejoined, past tense; rejoined, past participle; rejoining, present participle; rejoins, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Say something in answer to a remark, typically rudely or in a discouraging manner
    • - Harry said that he longed for a bath and soft towels, to which his father rejoined that he was a gross materialist

  1. join again
  2. retort: answer back
  3. A reply is a statement or acknowledgment made in response to an interrogative question, request or comment. Replies are communicated in a variety of ways, the most common being spoken or written, and act as a way of conveying relevant information and continuing a conversational exchange.
  4. (Rejoined (DS9 episode)) "Rejoined" is an episode of '''', the sixth episode of the fourth season.
  5. A ZigBee Commissioning startup control that tells the current device to connect to a network with a specific EPID (and other settings) that you specify. See also Join and Connect.
  6. Rejoin is used for VFR flying, it basically means the instructions given by the tower to enter controlled airspace and to perhaps join the visual circuit to land, or to directly join the base leg.
  7. reduces values before joining them