- a feeling of great happiness
- exultant: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day"; "a triumphal success"; "a triumphant shout"
- exultation: the utterance of sounds expressing great joy
- (rejoice) feel happiness or joy
- (rejoice) exuberate: to express great joy; "Who cannot exult in Spring?"
- (rejoice) wallow: be ecstatic with joy
- (Rejoice (2nd Chapter of Acts album)) Rejoice is an album by Christian band 2nd Chapter of Acts.
- (Rejoice (Katherine Jenkins album)) Rejoice is the fifth album by Welsh mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins, released on 19 November 2007, in the UK. It charted at number 3 on the UK Albums Chart."". BBC News, 25 November 2007. Retrieved 26 November 2007.
- (Rejoice (Sawyer Brown album)) Sawyer Brown is an American country music band founded in 1985. Their discography comprises sixteen studio albums, one live album, and five compilation albums. ...
- (Rejoice (song)) October is the second album by Irish rock band U2, released in 1981. The album featured spiritual themes, inspired by Bono, The Edge, and Larry Mullen, Jr. ...
- (Rejoice (The Emotions album)) Rejoice is an album by The Emotions released on Columbia Records and produced by Maurice White of Earth, Wind & Fire. ...
- (rejoicingly) In a rejoicing manner
- (rejoice) To be very happy, be delighted, exult; to feel joy. [from 14th c.]; To have (someone) as a lover or spouse; to enjoy sexually. [15th-16th c.]; To make happy, exhilarate. [from 15th c.]
- (Rejoice (גיל giyl, Strong's #1523)) A very common song from the book of Psalms is This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (118:24). Rejoice is an abstract word, a Greek form of thought. ...
- Urbaniak violin, McClure double-bass, Altschul drums. 1989. SteepleChase SCCD-31274
- A condition of a planet when it is in any of it's essential or accidental dignities.
- (pl.): a celebration, merry-making