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reinvent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reinventing, present participle; reinvents, 3rd person singular present; reinvented, past participle; reinvented, past tense;
  1. Change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new
    • - he brought opera to the masses and reinvented the waltz
  2. Take up a very different job or way of life
    • - the actor wants to reinvent himself as an independent movie mogul

  1. bring back into existence; "The candidate reinvented the concept of national health care so that he would get elected"
  2. create anew and make over; "He reinvented African music for American listeners"
  3. Reinvention: A Demo Retrospective / 1990-1999 is the 1999 album by the Christian singer Stephen Crumbächer who is best known as the lead singer for the group Crumbächer. It was only available on the Internet site until they went out of business in 2003. ...
  4. (Reinvention (superchick album)) Reinvention is the second remix album from Christian Rock band Superchick. It was released on April 20, 2010. A solo breakout from bassist Matt Dally entitled “Let It Roll,” is the project’s debut radio single.
  5. To invent again something that has already been invented; To renew
  6. (reinvention) A reinventing of something; The condition of being reinvented
  7. (Reinventing) (v) Usage: “We’ve had challenges in the past, but we’re reinventing ourselves and our processes.” Definition: A commonly used tactic employed by recruiters to explain recent or forthcoming layoffs (see: derecruit, reorganization, shared services, offshoring, outsourcing, et al).