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reheat 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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reheats, 3rd person singular present; reheated, past participle; reheated, past tense; reheating, present participle;
  1. Heat (something, esp. cooked food) again

  1. The process of using the hot exhaust to burn extra fuel in a jet engine and produce extra power

  2. An afterburner

  1. heat again; "Please reheat the food from last night"
  2. An afterburner (or reheat) is an additional component added to some jet engines, primarily those on military supersonic aircraft. ...
  3. Reheated is an album by Canned Heat, released in 1988. Just two members of the classic lineup, Fito de la Parra and Larry Taylor, are present on this album. ...
  4. (Reheating) The process of making a cold food hot. Food must be heated food from 45 degrees (7 degrees C) to 165 degrees F(74 degrees C) within two hours.
  5. (Reheating) Heating metal to hot-working temperature. In general no structural changes are intended.
  6. The application of sensible heat to supply air that has been previously cooled below the temperature of the conditioned space by either mechanical refrigeration or the introduction of outdoor air to provide cooling.
  7. A heating coil installed in a computer room air conditioner or air handler to assist in dehumidification of the discharge air stream.
  8. wherein the working fluid—in most cases air—expands through a series of turbines, then is passed through a second combustion chamber before expanding to ambient pressure through a final set of turbines. ...
  9. A reheat system cools the air in the air handling unit down to the coldest temperature needed to satisfy the hottest zone served by the system. For the other zones this air temperature is too low for comfort so the airstream is reheated, based upon the needs of each zone. ...