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regiment 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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regiments, plural;
  1. Organize according to a strict, sometimes oppressive system or pattern
    • - every aspect of their life is strictly regimented
  2. Form (troops) into a regiment or regiments

  1. A permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a colonel and divided into several companies, squadrons, or batteries and often into two battalions
    • - two or three miles inland a highly experienced artillery regiment had established a defensive position
  2. An operational unit of artillery

  3. A large array or number of people or things
    • - a neat regiment of jars and bottles
  4. Rule or government over a person, people, or country
    • - the powers of ecclesiastical regiment which none but the Church should wield

  1. army unit smaller than a division
  2. subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization; "regiment one's children"
  3. form (military personnel) into a regiment
  4. assign to a regiment; "regiment soldiers"
  5. A regiment is a military unit, composed of variable numbers of battalions, commanded by a Colonel or, as in the case of the modern British Army where colonels more often serve as staff officers rather than field commanders, a Lieutenant Colonel. ...
  6. The Special Air Service or SAS is a special forces regiment of the British Army that has served as a model for the special forces of other countries all over the world.Griffin, pp. ...
  7. The Regiment is a computer game that was released by Konami in 2006. It is based on the Special Air Service, and includes all the tactics that the S.A.S. use and some real-life missions.
  8. (Regimental) The condition of not wearing anything immediately under one's kilt, e.g., "It's going to be scorching tomorrow, I'm going regimental."
  9. (Regiments) Arse'ole, Flannel, Diary, Wart
  10. (Regiments) were officially numbered in 1751 and the 33rd Regiment of Foot became the official title.
  11. The basic unit of the Civil War soldiers, usually made up of 1,000 to 1,500 men. Regiments were usually designated by state and number (as in 20th Maine). ...
  12. is a troop of soldiers: The army is made up of several regiments.
  13. The Regiment is often considered to be the most important unit in the British Army. It carries the spirit of the people who have gone before and would usually contain approximately 650 soldiers depending on its cap badge and role. ...
  14. For soldiers of the British Army this is the primary and predominate military organizational unit. A regiment is commanded by a Colonel and has it's own number and title with distinctive designations that reflect it's own unique historical traditions. ...
  15. Not an actual body of men, but a title under which a number of Battalions are formed and maintained.
  16. a military unit, particularly of infantry, cavalry, or artillery, commanded by a colonel. Usually consisted of an operational unit of two or more battalions.
  17. The largest organization allowed to be raised by the states during the war. Regiments could be either Infantry, Cavalry, or Artillery. Infantry Regiments contained 10 Companies (Cavalry had 12) and was commanded by a Colonel, assisted by a Lieutenant Colonel and a Major. ...
  18. A command of the army consisting of three battalions of infantry or three squadrons of cavalry.
  19. 1. applies to cavalry, artillery & engineers & equates to a battalion of infantry. 2. in infantry context refers to the whole regiment, that is  its 1 or 2 or more regular army battalions as well as its reserve volunteer, militia battalions and regiment HeadQuarters/depot.
  20. a division of an army, e.g. The Durham Light Infantry is a regiment within the British Army
  21. a unit of ground forces, consisting of two or more battalions or battle groups, a headquarters unit, and certain supporting units.
  22. Unit designation of the military In Civil War terms a Regiment was a formation of ten companies.
  23. a military unit, which consists of 3 battalions; this size of unit is used (in the Army) only by cavalry units.
  24. 2 to 4 battalions led by a Colonel.
  25. a military unit usually consisting of a number of battalions