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refute 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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refutes, 3rd person singular present; refuted, past tense; refuted, past participle; refuting, present participle;
  1. Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove
    • - these claims have not been convincingly refuted
  2. Prove that (someone) is wrong

  3. Deny or contradict (a statement or accusation)
    • - a spokesman totally refuted the allegation of bias

  1. overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof; "The speaker refuted his opponent's arguments"
  2. prove to be false or incorrect
  3. (refutation) the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"
  4. (refutation) disproof: any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something
  5. (refutation) falsification: the act of determining that something is false
  6. In informal logic an objection (also called expostulation or refutation), is a reason arguing against a premise, lemma or main contention. An objection to an objection is known as a rebuttal.
  7. Mini-Cons are a human-sized race and faction of power-enhancing transforming robots in the universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes in Transformers fiction. ...
  8. (refutation) An act of refuting or disproving; the overthrowing of an argument, opinion, testimony, doctrine or theory by argument or countervailing proof; confutation; disproof; evidence of falseness; A vocal answer to an attack on one's assertions
  9. (Refutation) A move or series of moves that demonstrates a flaw in a game, move, variation, analysis or plan.
  10. (Refutation) Arguing against constructive arguments made by the other debater.
  11. (Refutation) In this section of the persuasive speech or essay, the author addresses a view opposed to his. Therefore, the opposite of the author's argument is refuted. ...
  12. (Refutation) Introducing reasons why others may believe differently and then explaining why these reasons are not convincing. (Harbrace Handbook). When you refute a claim, you argue that your opponent is just plain wrong. ...
  13. (Refutation) The unique black move that defeats a white try in a directmate problem. In notation, a refutation is signified by ‘!’.
  14. Refutation is the process of discrediting the arguments that run counter to your thesis statement.
  15. (v.) to make a move that causes an alpha-beta cutoff.
  16. To refute a proposition or theory is to establish or prove that it is false. Lately many people have taken to using ‘refute’ as a synonym for ‘deny’, but avoid this usage in philosophy. To deny that God exists is not, in philosophical usage, to refute (or disprove) the proposition that God exists.
  17. Also known as a "Bust", it's when a player shows that an Opening sequence, move, or strategy isn't as sound as previously thought - so, they Refute it. Usually, the position that had been considered sound, turns out to lead to a loss. ...
  18. prove falsity or error of; rebut by argument; deny or contradict without argument