- resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
- the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
- abstain: choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"
- A refrain (from Vulgar Latin refringere, "to repeat", and later from Old French refraindre) is the line or lines that are repeated in music or in verse; the "chorus" of a song. Poetic fixed forms that feature refrains include the villanelle, the virelay, and the sestina.
- "Refrain" is seiyū Mamoru Miyano's fifth single, released on October 21, 2009. It had peaked at #22 on the Oricon charts.
- "Refrain" was the winning song of the Eurovision Song Contest 1956, co-written by Émile Gardaz and Géo Voumard, performed by Lys Assia representing Switzerland. It was the first-ever winner of the Contest, but not the first-ever performance by Switzerland. ...
- The chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza; To hold back; to restrain; to keep within prescribed bounds; to curb; to govern; To abstain from; To keep one’s self from action or interference; to hold aloof; to forbear; to abstain
- (Refraining) not giving in to unnecessary craving
- A phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated throughout a poem, usually after every stanza.
- a unit of text and music which repeats, commonly at the end of each stanza.
- the melody of a song that is repeated after each verse. (After singing the second verse of the song, the chorus sang the refrain.)
- a line or phrase repeated throughout a poem, sometimes with variations, often at the end of each stanza.
- one or more lines repeated before or after the stanzas of a poem.
- A line or set of lines at the end of a stanza or section of a longer poem or song--these lines repeat at regular intervals in other stanzas or sections of the same work. Sometimes the repetition involves minor changes in wording. ...
- A repeated line, or number of lines, at the close of a stanza.
- 1. Synonymous with chorus and often burden. See also nonsense syllables. 2. A general term for any melody. 3. The main or "A" part of a rondo.
- a chorus (melody and text) that is repeated at intervals in a song, especially following each verse
- A phrase repeated at intervals throughout a poem. A refrain may appear at the end of each stanza or at less regular intervals. It may be altered slightly at each appearance. ...
- repetition in literature of one or more lines at regular intervals; sometimes called the chorus.
- don't do it, the part you should not attempt to play/sing etc.
- also called chorus; the part of a song repeated at the end of each verse or section.
- a repeating line/verse in a song or a poem
- In a verse-refrain song, the refrain is the "main part" of the song, usually constructed in AABA or ABAC form.
- A refrain is a repeated part of a poem, particularly when it comes either at the end of a stanza or between two stanzas. ...
- repeated lines, esp. in ballad: could be a line or single phrase