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reevaluate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Evaluate again or differently,
  1. Evaluate again or differently
    • - fifteen patients were re-evaluated after six months
    • - I began to reevaluate my life

  1. reassess: revise or renew one's assessment
  2. (reevaluation) the evaluation of something a second time (or more)
  3. Alternative spelling of re-evaluate
  4. (Re-evaluation) evaluating the information that couldn't be thought through, either when you received it during a hurtful experience, or during restimulation, because your thinking was shut down by distress. ...
  5. (Reevaluation) One of the seven goals; called "retardation" in Yarbro. Its positive pole is atavism or simplicity; its negative pole is withdrawal. It is used for lifetimes spent processing past experiences. It is the least frequently used goal.  Read more about reevaluation.
  6. (Re-Evaluation) of patient’s consciousness, pupil size & GCS assessment.
  7. (REEVALUATION) A review by the IEP team that is required every three years or more often if necessary. It determines if updated information used to decide continuing eligibility for special education is needed and the types of information needed to determine the individual needs of the student.
  8. (Re-evaluation) New perspectives and information can inspire consumers to change their perceptions. To cause re-evaluation is to seek change or reinforcement of previous perceptions.
  9. (Reevaluation) In lead hazard control work, the combination of a visual assessment and collection of environmental samples performed by a certified risk assessor to determine if a previously implemented lead-based paint hazard control measure is still effective and if the dwelling remains lead- ...
  10. (Reevaluation) Multiple clinical studies have shown that non-surgical scaling and root planing is rarely successful in periodontal pocket depths greater than 4-5mm (See articles by Stambaugh RV, Int J Periodontics Rest Dent, 1981 or Waerhaug J, J Periodontol, 1978). ...
  11. (Reevaluation) SeeTriennial Review.
  12. some people leave feedback on their purchases . If a person is enthusiastic about your brand they may cut your marketing costs by providing free highly trusted word of mouth marketing.